Wednesday, August 8, 2007

I got a call last night from my mother. She wanted to let me know that my grandfather had a heart attack. He is 77 years old, so it shouldn't have been a big shock, but it was. My sister and I were just talking a few days ago about how lucky we are that we have grandparents as healthy as these. Neither of them has any chronic illnesses, and they take no daily medication.
I went to the hospital to see him today and he seemed to be in pretty good spirits....good but tired. I was getting dirty looks from the ICU nurses because he kept laughing and telling stories. I guess they don't want him to over exert himself or disturb the other patients.
The doctors are planning to do a stress test today to see how bad the blockage is. He will either have a stint put in or have a bypass surgery. I am really hoping for the stint. A bypass is pretty difficult to recover from, and he is a VERY active man. Keep us in your prayers.


Leslie said...

thinking of you Lori and your family. hugs!!

thesearemydogs said...

Hope things go well for him and he only needs a stint. If he has bypass I just wanted to share my grandmom had triple bypass at age 86 and she sailed through with flying colors. If he is telling stories then he is in good spirits. AmyNNN

Patti H said...

so sorry to hear this Lori please keep us posted and hugs to you and your family